January 26, 2010
Artistic license. For some reason, it’s not often that I’ll even consider let alone use off colour words in anything I’ve written. No prude here though. I guess it’s because of trying to be respectful of anyone who may read these thinks as well as big brother Bloggo here who let us know such stuffing’s won’t be tolerated.
After all, it’s the net nowadays isn’t it? Peer rental digressions add vised. As we become aware it makes no difference; access to Google or what have you in the everyday search engine’s wander or wonder what? If it’s their, they’ll find it.
If anyone has the need to find anything, they can and they will; especially in the privacy of their own home or for that matter, that doesn’t seem to make a difference either except when the place outside those norms have ways to prevent obvious step over the line points. Parents or computer checks ‘fore thee to won.
However they figure that out is still a mystery to mme; eyes don’t go there to find out anyway. There’s too much other information or cooler things in this world that I’d rather si or read about then something that may be questionable by the pole lease net re: litigious, spirit chew all’s ‘fore that madder mom’s; rest there soles.
Having said that then, there is only one time I can remember mostly because it’s a recent one where I’ve done this; gone against migraine, so to speak; a word seemingly out of place meant as a defining moment. A moment of irritation it was because of where eye was and what was witnessed. A word let’s say ‘fore affect.
MMinded you, I’ve been to this same location twice. The first time for work and the second time for even more pleasure. It was the second visit that revolutionised the initial attitude, dude and dudesses. I didn’t really see it full strength, first time.
Inn, a daze so to speak; a whirlwind of the moment. It was pitch black dark except for where I was sitting; wild looking out to a sea of faces illuminated by the reflections from stages bright spots twirling and whirling threw the mass is like a movie premiere trying to attract all comers under insight full stars of all stripes.
Later on remembering the second time a round visit is when the following was composed. The experience was felt more personally when actually seeing it from a much different angle that necks time. There were no masses. Four score purr haps.
A clearer view it was and a time when one could take time to really see what was mist from first. It was daylight now; the visit lasted for a few hours just before dark encompassed the hole environmeant. The walk was serene; an earthly aroma.
MMined you, I had to travel a long distance both times to get there but suffice it to say both were planned. The first long and well before. The second not even close before hand was that toon; spurt of the moment; the drive a short won.
The second time I was included in the planning; a single vote of actually wanting to see what was mist the first time. I don’t remember having the opportunity to walk around the place previously before having to take care of business. This latter fact you will read into the following poem.
Needless to say when viewing it the second time it was beautiful. I could see how even more beautiful it could have been had it not changed to what it had much later become. Although sum what glad for the change which if it didn’t happen maybe I’d not get to see it because of why I was there in the first place.
Gazing about the place from a different position as opposed to the view I had had the first time; I observed the original position of the initial time while scanning other locations, all the rows up where people could have been at that time.
It was quite impressive really; trying to imagine what it could have been and basically got lost in the present. I was perturbed in a way because of the need of wanting to feel like it was before the new man made structure had replaced the ancient forms of mostly natural. Mother Nature sure knew what she was doing.
I wondered then, how the heck the dramatic change had happened to begin with. The state it was in as in the U. S. state is a beautiful one. Its people revere such things as ‘Don’t mess with Mother Nature’s beauty pleas.’ They usually fight like mad dogs to try to protect and save those things that man’s glad money seem to destroy for purse sin ill gain. Natural grass hills in park settings feel much better.
Without giving it away, before the poem really, I wanted to feel what was there before man turned it around; almost could; Even to the point of closing mmy eyes to try and see or feel it differently. That didn’t work very well because of how energy of anything works. The new structure was simply too overpowering.
As an alternative the answer was quiet, clear; repeated many times elsewhere. Daze on the Green for starters. The colours would have complimented each other in a most brilliant fashion. Shades of cobalt blues would accentuate the positive.
Earth toned hands as Mother Nature in ten did. So then this poem is brought to light; apologising before hand if the end offends anyone. The point made is of:
Read Rocks
The deep, pulsating, pounding
From the dominant, vigorous tone
Aided by the decimating decibels
Rammed hard against their inhibitions.
All at once
As if the cock crowed ROCK!
The see of hearts rows up and
Began grand slamming in plays;
Dancing frantically with their emotions
Hands hell’d high over their heads
Wild grabbing for their own
Clutch of heaven.
The gradual writhe of humanities steps
Slanted towards far away blackened skies
Were surrounded on all sighs by
Red Rocks
Standing still
Like tombs tones of
Shaded rust
Jutting edges
Smooth to cragged
Crust did cusps
Monuments of time
Watching over us
Majestically painting
Mother natures ancient design
Changed - buy human hands to
Accommodate sell abrasions
Of today’s loud.
The splendor of an earlier monolithic
Silence and grace
Place; the touch of souls to pray
Gave way to prey with
Boisterous modern timbres
Fortune ate legal tender
As they X’d – claimed;
“Fk off Mother Nature
We’re walkin’ heah!!”
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