January 23, 2010
While living in South Dakota, just up the street was a building where half a dozen or so men with a religious organisation were residing. A few of them I still hear from when time to time they call or send an email.
I remember one time when one of those guys came to visit mme one day just to hang. He was the youngest person and sort of still trying to figure out where he fit in that world. We related quite a lot in mmusic ways as well as other aspects of life so that when he did visit we usually had long conversations about lots of different things.
One particular conversation we had was when he asked, “Say MMick, what do you think it would take to bring different kinds of people or strangers together?” I said, oh that’s easy; lots of ways really but one particular way other than art, food or mmusic would be any kind of a catastrophe; end of story.
Hopefully by now you’ve heard of the earthquakes and tragedy in Haiti. What I liked about the program that was broadcast last night to help benefit Haiti’s devastation was that a huge and diversified community of people gathered and collaborated as one; to help strangers basically.
Not just from one location but in several places the entertainment was broadcast to six continents, 58 countries etc… watched by millions of people. Everyone who presented a few words or performed was asking for help while showing the devastation of Haiti and its people. Unbelievable it was and still is a tragedy. Hopefully you’ve helped sum how.
You’ll notice that when those kinds of things happen; devastations and the like there’s really nothing to grab on to but each other; sometimes that’s all that’s left; The words at the end of this message are related to another tragedy. They were written after I had visited ground zero; 911 where like Haiti, another scene of devastation had unfolded. Different circumstances but destruction none the less. A lot of us were close to that one.
Like 911 or Katrina and others, Haitian’s too will survive. Especially when we all grab on to each other. That’s what humans do in their wont to help their fellow humans. Why? Because:
Love’s Again
…went ‘round ‘n ‘round again, end, again - showers on the sighed.
Stared in, under towers brake – know wear would they hide.
See meant fence is healed to takes – tight end to the crunch.
Scene the love of saddened i’s - willed try over lunch.
One moor time, end once again, papers float in air.
Black walled curtains call winds, falls; gusts of bust scene – fear.
Stilled ply prayers of loneliness, hands on hearts wholed loves.
Dreams of times forever spent - bowed to chimes and doves.
Standing bye the window’s glance - hands held at hour sighed.
One more one will come again - stair at faith’s door, cried.
Hear a long the story’s bend – speaker’s care re: song.
Man, kind knows its never flight, killing wrongs bleed wrong.
Piled din revenge, no it speaks - when will love re: main?
Cross are hearts, end hell’d dour hopes - ‘Never be…’ - the claim.
Those of loss remember, win - love’s hear, end be sure.
When we speak of lost in veins – know that their’s our pure.
Smile end, ponder all that was - good daze, end the rest.
Yes, weave felt their spirits I, live they’ve willed love’s test.
Our love grows - threw all of those who live width /thin hate when
Oui remember love still rains again, and again, and again.
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