January 10, 2010
Hearing For The First Time
Yesterday, I guess from 5 p.m. on and most of last night which continued well past midnight, was a day of sigh lents. It wasn’t really or not entirely, but I’ll just say it was because I was encircled, welcomed and warmed in the presence of a 3D world. At times, a quieter but in a vocal sents a very animated group of humanity. 3D is not mmy original term but one I learned from others who are involved in it.
This was a group not unlike many others not in just the U.S.A but in the whole world. They ARE a 3D world in that of a visual sense of movement.. Sometimes half of mmy ancestry is included in a 3D world of their hand movements while discussing anything is concerned. Red spaghetti sauce is in our Italian veins.
A deaf friend brought mme along to a party, get together/pot luck dinner and somewhat of a board meeting that I’mm not a member. I just wanted to observe as well as join in the party. I was the only adult full-hearing person along with 5 children of HLA3 only one of which, “SAM, the man” was even more special. There aren’t enough words to describe the great feelings I had after leaving all and most of the members of this organisation; all one can say and humbly so is thank you very much, it was more than overwhelming; for several reasons.
At this time, I could name all the names of the 21 people in attendance but suffice it to say they know who they are and I’mm afraid to miss one or two; so as not to embarrass mmyself, will just say some of the adults were members of this organisation. I had a conversation with most of them, some longer than others.
It was another quest to attend a human circle I’d never witness really, unless a member of this group extended the invitation. (Thanks Julianne) It was oh so obvious to this stranger at least, their quick friendliness and smiles, adults as well as the children; everyone without a doubt were very accepting of this outsider welcomed into their opened and loving arms; it was such a privilege.
Part of a personal reason for attending the gathering was to continue on the search of finding and acquiring at least 1,000 used cochlear implant and/or hearing aid batteries. Hopefully they’re going to be the most important part of a new piece of art work/ painting/sculpture that is in the process as we speak of being designed. Depending of course on the response of this community and how the word spreads. Hopefully it’s just a matter of time and patience on mmy part.
Each person I talked to about many things including the request. All were very open to at least sending their multiple and quite difficult throw a way’s. The latter explained because for some reason some recycle places or drop off’s don’t and won’t accept their used batteries; therefore they sometimes can’t and unbelievably so in many ways, especially now a daze – why knot? Why is not a mystery really, especially after finding out that mercury is part of their construction. What are we too due in those instances? Check around because in fact some recycle places do.
This brings to the surface then, how can this be solved in total and for obvious reasons. I’ve no answer; do you? If so then maybe you can pass it on to the Gods of Recycle or SOME place. Can we find either a good use for them? Perhaps we can stack them on a constantly reaching higher and higher something on their stare weigh to battery heaven or face hell surrounded by more of the same – can’t.
Perhaps we’re not going to solve this in total here but maybe now a few more people are aware of this growing in huge numbers day bye day issue. In the meantime maybe you’ll in joy the latest addition; words written a few years ago. It was composed after the same friend; Julianne extended the invite to her meeting. She received a letter from her friend who had just received;
Hearing For The First Time
Just one year ago today
A cochlear implant gift.
The screeching noise toned down.
The difference Jan's tweak fixed.
For the first time in mmy whirled
Life's sounds now have dimensions.
Words toll describing sounds
Are full and rich - great depth.
Skitter scatter go the leaves.
The walk sweep swirls reflections.
Aye hear mmy bared feat on
Linoleum's light touch.
That there's sound with brushing hair
Hat knot occurred in mmy thoughts.
Startled song - a robin?
Yes robins!... robins! Of course!
Gulls 'n crows 'n blue jays heard.
Doors 'n drawers creaky groans;
Sirens perceived - just loud.
Now heard as screaming domes.
Rise 'n fall of pitched sounds pass.
People walking, talking - bye.
Kids hauled off played grounds task.
Protest ready's knot - cry.
Hear tree's sway. Leaves clap in winds.
A scratch to soothe skin on face;
The sound one hand move makes
On rough too sticky place.
Sewing is so quiet with
Activity, done by hand.
Threading fabric's tranquil.
Needle's puncture size fan.
Then there is the telephone.
Cal Relay used just 3 times.
Many calls passed - two talks
Never before clear, fine.
Give-take calls? i'mm still in awe.
The face of speakers knot scene.
Conversed understanding;
Repeated voice, tapes, clean.
Though lyrics still eludes mme;
Others have told mme as well.
Words hard to understand,
Push the limits, hear- do tell.
Use to typing - keyboards tone.
Sounds of water or tea poured.
Children screeching at home;
Silence aye, ask 'fore more.
An ironic change that's kept
Now two kids sign much more.
Cochlear brings more depth,
Of deaf nest than before.
Won more special noted then;
Our cool cat's vocal tone's sum.
End, thanks too all mmy friends of home.
Our journey has been one.
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