March 18, 2010
I don’t remember the year but it was shortly after 911 happened that I was visiting a friend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lovely city. Although they’re not mmy chosen team, the Green Bay Packers are part of Wisconsin’s DNA. I’ve not seen much of the state but what I have experienced in a few cities visited, I really like the Badger state.
Hayley’s Corners is where mmy friend spent years applying the chosen vocation. We traveled to another gorgeous area; one of those stunning places with a huge blue lake where Mother Nature touched her magic wand to create a region one would think looks like heaven.
I know the time of year was shortly after 911 because one of the locales mmy friend and I visited at the time was the newly built Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM). The photos on today’s blog are part of its structure. It appears to be a huge cruise ship on Lake Michigan. When those ribs open up it seems like it could easily take off and fly.
Displayed outside as an exhibition unto itself was part of one of the boilers from the World Trade Center. I couldn’t believe that whoever had the idea to do that not to mention to ship that thing from place to place did. It must have weighed tons. It brings to mmind how much energy and power it took to destroy the two buildings; truly amazing.
Needless to say the mangled mass of steel was transformed into something else that looked like it would belong in a museum’s sculpture show. Because of what it is, obviously it was located on the bottom most floors of the World Trade Center. Top floors crushed it.
Another eye opening work of art I’mm not sure if it’s still there or not, was viewed as one looks to the right and enters into the huge, modern lobby area. A very large, colourfully, entangled and twisted work of glass art by the famous artist Chilhouly hangs from ceiling to floor.
It had or has to be about thirty feet or more tall. Like Cristo, another famous and internationally known artist, I’d like to meet Chilhouly as well, one of these days. Both artists, without a doubt, if you’ve not seen their work I recommend you check them out if you get a chants.
Milwaukee’s Art Museum is a great architectural wonder. It has three buildings. The one I liked the most was designed by Santiago Calatrava. I’ve seen a few of his works in person; many more in books. The man is a creative and spatial genius. I took so many photographs of walls, cubby holes, light fixtures and all odd sorts of things in the MAM. Every form one could see it seemed was so interesting to view through a camera’s lens. I recommend visit at least thrice.
You may also want to visit the Harley Davidson motorcycle factory as well. Maybe you don’t know that famous of all U.S. of A. motorcycles are manufactured in Milwaukee. If you didn’t, now you do. Like Pillsbury the baking flour people or even Miller Beer, “The beer that made Milwaukee famous,” or so they claim in the old advertisements.
MMy friend brags to be able to see the Miller factory from the house parking lot. Lucky them. On the other hand if there were a Guinness Brewery, I’d move there pronto. I’mm not an, ‘It’s less filling,’ or lite beer person that’s for sure. If I had to worry about filling mmy stomach, I’d eat. Guinness, there’s a beer to fill up on if you’re eating.
This brings us to the words for today’s blog. As you may have noticed there hasn’t been an entry with a poem or whatever you want to call these things, in quite a while. Maybe after reading, or giving up trying today’s little twister missive you’ll thank mme for that. It’s a hard one.
In any case, I know this blog is difficult to read at times, to understand or even care about as strangers or friends but that’s just the way it is. It’s entered on this date none the less. Give it a go or a throw. Figure it out and you’re worth your weight in ale or the read whine of heave in
Without a doubt, you’ll have to decipher most or the majority of the words at the end - yourself. Basically so you won’t be too diss tints from it; it was some of the things the friend and I did and witnessed while spending about a week touring the summer city of Milwaukee.
You may be able to tell we attended a kite festival. That was so cool. I think it occurs every summer in the huge park adjacent to the MAM. The kites were modeled after all kinds of things; like a replica of the old Forbes of Forbes magazine castle/home; a Flying Pig of course; a shark; jets; airplanes both modern and antique; an eagle; hippo; etc…
A kite race and picnic were also part of the MMicks. The friend, always prideful of not only the culinary displays but of all the actual food anyone invited to taste those tables can taste. From the beginning appetizers/plural to the multiple courses of you name it at any given time, to the deserts; one has to be completely empty before the start. Maybe this is where that Miller fluff comes in? Sheesh; not a chance.
It was a gourmet picnic, that’s for sure. Let’s not forget the before and during dinner drinks; wines and after dinner top it off’s of a different liquid; sometimes a tiny container containing Grand Mariner will be carried along to be included in the desert. The friend is definitely a thoughtful and complete to every small detail, chef. (Merci, there J)
A few partial images of photo’s I took at the MAM were used in some of the digital mmusic designs you may find on mmy home page somewhere. Whether you can pick them out or recognise them is another story. Good luck finding any one of them. If you can pick any out from that day; a gold ducket for your bucket or to hang on your:
Milwaukee’s Cloth
I Max crest
Kilimanjaro waves blessed
Stripes magnet iron on one
While try plain's flyin’
Winged broods sighed 'n
Sharks kites - wild boars flights were flown
Matched winged chums charmed
Crest, too lunged alarmed of
Loop de loop’s 'n
Diving in troupes
Watched by groups
Of sky's winged lunch bunch
Picked nicked air, bye strings
They ran - towed plastic things
Arrived in bikes - all tried
Pedal pals four - two do ride
Together knee's moved
'N grooved in strides
Of unison's plea’s improved
Smilin’ miles threw stiles - said, "Hi MAM" - turned
Window's magnet set on Centers boiler - burned
On to Harley hog's sway- where potato songs were played
Left to write - Willy's tagged -MM's posters stayed
Post tours - coffee shops
East Side - in the bin
Sitting out sighed tray did guise
Alterra's left did in
Write on trays - just helped yourself
End Window’s mag on tin
Was left -through rite - wild registered
Remained be sighed it - grinned
Italian Villa's stepped - know tram
Crab apple’d wedding’s anew
Can’t walk down the aisle of blue slated waves
Know insure rants willed never pass through
Then on too Wisconsin's Conservatory - true
Where MMusic’s taught - end them - learned
Bye heard’s whizzed passed through halls - books clued
Scales up - downed classics - knights’ oil burned
Sow - win - the end - " On the board it will hang
Up and down the stares, Yes!" she said, sang
In MMedicine's school passed too mman - lass end rocks
Too per forming Arts house Liszt through Bach’s
The Arts shop mistress - the violinist too
Strolled in and touched 'em - just like y'alls may due
Said, "Thank you much, got 'nother one MMack?"
Hear, pass it on m'am - prayed tell – please the tact
"Aye - wonder if given sum clues sole dear friends
True place of towns players 'n mmusicians intend?"
Oklahoma? – 77th – family's stored in mmusic’s gear
Left posters - 'chure's ‘n cards - put 5 in - penned back they're
Wild X a student of M ‘n- aye -A-D
Artist/guitarist was poppin' up art was he
Of art's popped charge - while knee'd
Talked his abstract popped art's out
In D school mag's left three
One him - one prof's - watched based balls props
On lips up-down mouth's spree
Rode on down to view Kites Fest
Packed picnic - end prints two marina's resting left
'Joy'd spectrums colours - plastics drifts on wings
While kites wind songs played tightened, whitened strings
Yes the glossy's were ready for framing - end too
XP lyrics - fine print copies were weight in seeded pew
Guessed they wondered, “What’s 'fore this?
Who’s left leaving all this stuff?"
Grabbed the mike - spoken kites
Left for shore - white clouds in puffs
Led it be - yes it’s we
Too care? Too know things rife
Too more of those of leaving's left
And tour wit's end threw write
Be entertained - 'fore aye due stop
Think end of won's for sure
Know Bailey’s take a rose his flock
To Don's gogh key's - MM's stored
This master mixer's mman 'o MMick's
Think chef's hand did these yet?
The ate bye ten's 'n foamed cores fanned?
Proposals scene knews met?
All post tours hand did? End too MM's?
‘Round thoughts all gone? Then through?
He's past the cards know boxes, too end?
Or end Mill Walk Ease Cloth
Donned blew?
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